Hand Delivery

Service Menu

Korea → Japan:Limited to products between 1 kg ~ 30 kg; if sent to Yangjae-dong Seoul (Seocho-Yanjedon)
by 10:00PM, it will be delivered to within the 23 wards of Tokyo, Japan between 5:00 ~ 8:00 PM the following day.

Japan → Korea:Items between 1 kg ~ 30 kg that are sent to the Shinjuku office by 6:00 PM will be delivered
the following day to anywhere in Korea.

Korea → Japan:Prior reservation is required; if sent to the Yangjae-dong Seoul / Gimpo Airport before noon,
item will be delivered before 7:00 PM the same day to areas within the 23 wards of Tokyo and
its surrounding areas.

Japan → Korea:Prior reservation is required; if sent to the Shinjuku office / Haneda Airport before noon,
it will be sent to anywhere in Korea.。

  • Same day delivery may not be possible due to airline ticket schedules.
  • Hand Delivery Service begins after confirmation of bank remittance payment.

  • Compensations will be made for delayed arrivals or damaged items resulting from the airline in accordance with the IATA (International Air Transportation Association) regulations.

  • Hand Delivery Service begins after confirmation of bank remittance payment.

  • The above prices are for single units.
  • There is an additional fuel surcharge of 20% ~ 25%.
  • Shipping costs may be adjusted without prior notification in accordance with exchange rates.
  • There is an additional delivery charge for special air courier.
  • Whichever is larger between the measured actual weight and capacity will be applied.